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The Church is the called out of God in representing the Kingdom of God. As members of one Body the bible makes this clear that Christ is the Church. Members of the Church where

Christ is the Head are considered true members when:

1. You have repented and given your life to Jesus Christ the head of the Church. This means you are required to be born again and free from the sin.

2. You actively engage in church activities and attend fellowship regularly.

3. You faithfully commit to and practice the Doctrines and Teachings of the Word of God

4. You belong to a department or ministry within the church and serve with Joy

5. You contribute your tithes and are registered in the Church registry.

6. You uphold Church beliefs, values and policies at all times.

7. You belong to a House Group within the Church Family and are actively engaging.

These requirements for being a member does not restrict anyone from worshipping with us. We are always eager to have you worship with us and experience the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please join our membership class every 3rd Tuesdays of every month to learn more on membership and Discipleship.
Welcome to Rhema Family Forum, where you can ask questions and receive answers. ========================= NEW MEMBERSHIP & DECIPLESHIP CLASS ====================== STARTING AUGUST 18TH AND EVERY 3RD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. TIME: 6.30PM - Attendance Online or in Person.